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          Man must die Honorably like Chinese told "重如泰山" Every Man and Woman will die sooner or later. Let me tell you man again, Man, you will die sooner or later, no matter how you dare not to face it, therefore, you better face it no matter how scare you dare not or unwilling to see this fact. Therefore, man, you must be brave, must have the guts to kill all stupid bad ugly evil politicians Chinese so called "貪官污吏", kill "貪 有巢氏房屋官污吏" to "Way.Mean.Chwu.High" makes man leaves VAluable and Honorably no matter how old he leaves when the time he dies. Every female who occupies the public office seat must be killed, NO EXCEPTION. Yes, including "LU: ShowLain" , yes including the one who cleans your public building restroom that paid by your tax payers money. Your country already 烤肉sinks in such lawless Godless hells no matter you call yourself TAiwanese or Chinese or Taiwanese Chinese, you are man, you have the duty to kill those unfitted "公" 務人員 to save all your good better best remainings to make it possible that you can turn your country into right direction to get better hope tomorrow . You cannot hire enough man power to clean the build 酒店打工ing? then enforce every man who working in that building takes turn to do it. Yes, including your stupid bad ugly evil Chen SuiBian must be in turn if you cannot hire man to clean your President building restrooms. And place sign in all female restrooms to tell her how to file complain when she sees any restroom not clean enough to fit her satisfaction. Keep in mind, President is the head of Public 室內設計 Servants, when his team short of hands, he must come down to do the help personally like any store manager. President is not KING, President is One of PUBLIC Servants. He does not like to service the public needs, he must resign. Woman has no duty to service any one except to take care her own kids or fe.male as per her heart. Therefore, no matter you are man or woman, you have no right to hire any woman to service you o 關鍵字廣告r to work for you. Therefore, any company that has shared with government officials like China Airline, Taiwan TV or radio stations that dare to hire woman to whore must deserve Bin Laden gangster to use whatever tools available to bomb those working places pieces away. Therefore, if you need to take a flight, you best make sure that airplane has no female servant occupy in that space any way, or you must make sure that airliner has no any g 術後面膜overnment officials share holders. This may explain how come there's private citizen handing out private ownership right to trust company to control when he needs to take public office seat. General does not need bend to service. This may explain how come the Military must not messed or mixed with Politicians. Yes, you can kill your General, if he does not follow the power of honesty rule to win the high honorable respectable rank(s). Yes, if you are a man, yo 買屋網u lost your will to live, you must bring as many as the ones hated by you to leave with you like 趙承輝 had done to show your "重如泰山" 's fact, in order to prove your "重如泰山" you must make sure every one UNDER your target must be all died COMPLETELY Whole, you must not like suicide bombers piece every one away lightly. You need to know that the one you bring to leave with you good better best or stupid bad ugly evil does not matter, as long as you can have the ability to make 小額信貸 them leaving in the fastest way, you are righteous any way. Because every man and woman will die sooner or later, your fastest way to leave them is the best mercy anyone can get. If any one does not deserve to leave, no matter how much you want him or her to die, without God's please, you cannot get any one of them to leave with you. Man must not bring any one he loves to die with him, because love is life, if he has any love one in this world, he MUST struggle to live, he must not make suicide kill; he has 找房子 the right to bring as many as the ones hated by him to leave must because he lost all his love(his only love woman died, his loving community and beloved country stolen by underground chained slavery terriorist disappeared invisibly like the movie "Audience" stated that "Japan is finished"; you must not follow the low lower lowest to do the steal like them, therefore, your only option is to kill.) to live.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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          國民大會:豪門爭產父子反目(1/5) 20100415 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsCR_6aGNCM Because it is a Civil Court, and because it is a fight between father and son, or mother and son, therefore, the son must be the winner, no matter his son has share or not, no matter his son's dad or his son's mom agr 房屋貸款ees or not, like or dislike. (Those sucking liars on the panel too suck to have the honest eyes to see things right. I don't know how the decision made by your Court, if your Court has basic Democratic civil right good sens 21世紀房屋仲介e, he or she should know the civil Court must always side with the one who has less power less freedom to choose his or her fate, the son has no right to choose where to be born by who, the parents can have right to choose not to give his son's b 辦公室出租irth. Son is not parents's slave, therefore, once anything given to or fallen into the son by or from his parent or parents, the parent or parents must have no right to take back without the son's agreement. Son can have right to take things from parents no m 代償atter parents like or dislike, parent or parents must have no right to take anything out of son's hand that offend son's will or right. ) Therefore, had not because "Want.Wen.Young" has no way to divorce his marriage treason crime, he must be the only one can speak for late "Wang.永.C 房屋買賣hin". That how you are rich and famous, you must not be the parent of anyone; because rich and famous parents must have to lock their rich and famous son or daughter inside own big ranch the rest of their life. Because your rich and famous son or daughter can only surrounded by evil doers liars treasons no mat 房屋二胎ter that surrounding is richer or less rich, more or less famous than you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 國民大會:豪門爭產父子反目(2/5) 20100415http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQE_xtqnvgM&feature=related At 3:18-3:25/7:20 That sucking female dressed animal "鄭.Pay.芬" should 房屋二胎be killed for the crime of lie she committed, too suck to have the honset eyes to see it is that son's sucking parents need to do the "Jane.Tower" instead of demanding the son to bend to his sucking stupid bad ugly evil parents. That so called "老.Mom" not only committed "老.Are.Boot.4. 4.Way.賊" crime, but also committed "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" immora 票貼l crime; "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" immoral shameless female 老 賊 dare futher committed "強.True.Tall" violent crime, must be killed immediately. At 5:45/7:20 "Good.Way.Are.子" and "Good.Way.老.8" do not fooled by that sucking shameless brainless female hostess; you dare be "老.8", you dare not "Tin.Are.子", you sucking "老.Boot.4" must be "Sheng.Boot.Rule.4". Therefor 酒店工作e, you should know how come your government worker, your national machine handler, controller, your school teacher, your school worker, your doctor, your hospital worker, your health linked related worker....., must not be allowed to have kid, not mention to have kids.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 辦公室出租  .

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  • Mar 04 Sun 2012 08:54
  • Poison

          Poison You can kill someone with poison like the most venomous snake does openly under the bright sunshine sky faster than any gun shot. That me 酒店工作ans your poison (That may explain how come China Dynasty frequen ARMANItly left dead body piles up behind battle ground "5.Ren.Wen.Wen" caused no problem to 西服Chinese population to live like nothing happening, while European consequenced with unknown sick horrible 酒店工作 disease to haunt the survived. Must because Chinese military know how to use the poison to keep the dead body out of sick 辦公室出租weak wicked dark side animals bites. Therefore, I realized that the ancient Egypt had the most venomous snakes guarded the dead body buried site mus 九份民宿t have nothing to do with the concern of thief, but in order to have enough time for the dead body to go away in a harmless way. ) must have to put on the bullet, swo 結婚西裝rd, any weapon that tooled to do the direct kill like snake raise its head high higher highest to bite anyone to die the fastest shot under the hottest sky in the big desert wild. You must 襯衫not poison anyone in the dark invisible plot, if you do, you must have no chance to bite anything like snake can do, you must have no chance to raise your head like snake can do; anything that snake does not 景觀設計have, you must have no chance to have, anything snake can have, you must have no chance to have either.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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          于美人玩補教老梗 高國華不上當 于美人的個人網站最近舉辦投票,主題是「如果找高國華上超視《非 租房子永慶房屋命運》談『外遇男人的心態 膠原蛋白是什麼』,您能接受嗎?」2日晚間投票結果,57% 有巢氏房屋的網友「可以接受」,她說,「很意外大家願意看他,若3日截止結果是這 景觀設計樣,那我們就請他。」但高國華拒絕上節目,「這個不能談,我說很得意,不是千夫所指,成罪人;我說很難?酒店經紀L,大家又會覺得我為什麼要外遇。」 昨錄影,許常德爆料當年季中平寫下的〈如果雲知道〉,是為了追許茹芸的深情之作 房屋買賣:「當初季中平愛許茹芸愛得要死。」甚至天天往許茹芸家跑,而她當時剛因〈淚海〉爆紅,不敢得罪製作人,但最後沒接受他的追求。于美人聽了驚呼連 房地產連,「你說的季中平是之前和造型師謝麗君結婚又跟某某某在一起的那位嗎?這真是大爆料。」 推薦網站:台中汽車借款,台中胎毛筆,台中肚臍印章,台中派報,台中機車借款 租房子,台中借錢,台中當舖,高雄汽車借款,高雄汽車當舖,高雄當舖 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 面膜  .

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          南極氣候變暖加速引發凍雨 企鵝頻頻被凍死 Be Veg. Go Green. Save the planet. 吃素 環保 救地球! 點入觀看影片 http://big5.xinhuanet.com/ gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/ world/2008-12/22/content_ 10540581.htm 南極氣候變暖加速引發凍雨 企鵝頻頻被凍死 2008年12月22日 09:02:20  來源:廣州日報 距北京約12000公裏的南極,是本報聯合南湖國旅推出的“全球 環保行”的最後一站。 11月28日,在經過近30小時的飛行後, 本報記者搭乘挪威海達路德公司的前進號郵輪經德雷克海峽進入南極 ,對南極半島進行了為期8天的實地探訪。記者發現, 人類腳印踏上南極雖已近200年, 但人類在南極的活動本身並未對南極造成很大的影響。不過,南極冰 原卻正在遭受著千裏之外的工業社會的“折磨”,全球變 酒店工作暖已經成為 懸在南極頭頂的“達摩克利斯”之劍。 南極半島變暖速度是全球均值5倍 南緯63度以北未見浮冰 冰海雪原,這是南極給世人的普遍印象。 而南極無冰,卻是記者初入南極的第一觀感。 11月30日,記者乘坐的前進號郵輪越過南緯60度, 正式進入南極區域,而一直到下午4時登陸南緯62度59分的迪塞 普申島,記者都沒在海面上見到一塊浮冰。 12月1日淩晨4時左右,記者到甲板上轉了一圈, 但依舊沒看到任何浮冰。淩晨4時 36分,記者終于看到本次南極行的第一塊浮冰, 但其露在水面的冰體面積很小,在水中上下起伏著, 差點被記者誤認為是海浪。至淩晨5時多,水面的浮冰逐漸增多, 但據記者目測,水?ARMANI惘B體直徑超過5米以上的冰塊不超過總量的10 %,絕大多數都是小冰塊。 7時50分左右,郵輪駛進安德沃德灣。 這時海面上的浮冰陡然增多, 並且不時可以看到一兩座水面冰體直徑超過一兩百米的大型冰山。 由于天氣情況較好, 我們可以清楚看到兩岸都是覆蓋著巨大冰蓋的巍峨雪山, 在雪山靠近海面的地方,由于大量冰塊脫落, 已裸露出大面積的褐色山體, 使得冰蓋成巨齒狀不規則地籠罩在山岩上。 據郵輪上的地質學家斯蒂芬介紹,幾年前, 這些冰蓋都還能順著山體一直延伸入海。 安德沃德灣深處、南緯64度50分的納克港, 是本次記者南極行中唯一有可能登上南極大陸的地點。 但當日由于風速過大,郵輪被迫從納克港撤出。 12月2日, 我們的郵輪臨 烤肉食材時聯係上附近一個小島上的烏克蘭維爾拉茨斯基院士考 察站,並獲允許上島參觀。該考察站位于南緯65度15分, 也是記者本次南極行抵達的最南端。 這個考察站保存有南極半島西海岸從1945年到2004年的詳細 氣溫變化表。從圖表上看,南極半島西海岸的地表溫度呈波浪形變化 ,但總體趨勢是暖化:在60年的時間裏,該區域溫度升高了2.5 度。其中,1963~1975年氣溫上升最為明顯,1984年至 2004年則出現了幾個明顯的高溫期。而記者查找資料獲悉, 在整個20世紀,地球的平均地表溫度也僅僅上升了大約0.6度。 如果按照同一時間區比較的話, 則南極半島西海岸的暖化程度是全球均值的5倍以上。 3日,當郵輪重返安德沃德灣試圖再次登陸納克港時, 同一片海域已發生了令記者瞠目結舌的變化。 房屋二胎淩晨5時30分, 記者上到七層甲板,當時水面霧氣很大,能見度並不高, 但僅在視線所及范圍內,記者已看到七八座水面直徑長達200米以 上的浮冰,海面上更是白茫茫一片,布滿細小的冰塊碎片。 如不是親眼所見,記者根本不敢相信,不到兩天的時間, 竟會有那麼多的冰塊脫落。 氣候變暖 凍雨頻頻小小企鵝受害最深 南極變暖導致的冰雪大面積融化已在某種程度上導致部分企鵝流離失 所。 12月2日,記者登陸南緯65度10分的彼得曼島。在登陸前, 船上的加拿大鳥類學家安迪告訴我們,這可能是在本次南極行中, 唯一有機會看到阿德利企鵝的登陸點。可在小島上, 記者看到的卻更多是眼部有一撮白色絨毛的巴布亞企鵝。 對此,安迪對記者解釋說,根據記錄,在1903年~1904年間 ,彼得曼島上是沒 褐藻醣膠有巴布亞企鵝的,即便在1993年他第一次踏足 彼得曼島時,島上企鵝也以阿德利企鵝為主。但這兩年來, 或許是出于氣候暖化的影響,在原有棲息地冰層融化後, 相對更能適應較暖和天氣的巴布亞企鵝逐漸“入侵”阿德利企鵝的領 地,並佔領了島上大部分領土, 使得彼得曼島成為世界上最南端的巴布亞企鵝積聚地。 然而就在彼得曼島上,記者發現,其雪山與冰層也呈現縮減趨勢,近 海的陸地上,冰層已明顯消融並露出其下褐色的地基, 在一群企鵝聚集地附近,冰面已出現大面積裂縫,隨時可能崩塌。 很難想象,如果南極半島氣溫持續暖化, 彼得曼島上冰層融化一旦加劇,巴布亞企鵝是否將被迫繼續南遷。 根據報道,即便在深入南極腹地的東部冰原,在《帝企鵝日記》 的拍攝點,2006年12月, 當美國華盛頓大學生物學教授波爾斯曼 婚禮顧問來到這裏時, 也發現這片帝企鵝的“樂土”已經消失, 放眼望去根本看不到小的帝企鵝,冰山只剩下十來座。今年10月, 世界自然基金會(WFF)發布的一項報告則稱, 如果世界溫度上升兩攝氏度, 則半數以上的南極企鵝種群都將減少或者滅絕,其中便包括帝企鵝。 因為冰層融化使它們失去了撫養幼仔的場所, 並減少了它們的食物來源。 氣候變暖帶給企鵝的,不僅僅是流離失所,還有死亡。 據悉,南極極度的高寒使得雨水在降落至地面之前便多數凝結成了雪 花,因此南極地區很少下雨,南極也因此被稱為“白色沙漠”。但近 年來,由于氣溫升高,南極地區連續爆發反常暴風雨, 而這種暴風雨較暴風雪更為冰冷刺骨,因此常被稱為“南極凍雨”。 11月30日下午4時, 記者首次登陸南極半島便領教到了南極凍雨。 30日記者登陸的迪塞普申島是一個火山島 太平洋房屋,地面氣溫高達4攝氏度 ,是記者在南極期間遇到的最高溫,然而由于下著雨, 這一天反而是記者南極行感覺最冷的一天。 刺骨的凍雨直往身體裏鑽,整個人在凍雨裏直打哆嗦。 而對南極小企鵝而言,南極凍雨更是意味著死亡。 尤其是初生的阿德利企鵝,其身上只有一層薄薄的絨毛,直至40天 大時,才能長出有防水功能的羽毛。在連續多日的暴風雨期間, 一旦父母外出覓食,小企鵝就會被淋至全身濕透, 最後可能被活活凍死。今年年初, 南極凍雨已凍死了成千上萬只新生小企鵝,科學家認為, 若暴雨氣候持續,阿德利企鵝數目可能大減八成,甚至在10年內絕 種。 對此,紐約探險家喬·鮑爾馬斯特說,“每個人都說南極冰川正融化 ,但日復一日的大雨才是這裏的全新現象。 企鵝們腳下都是下一代的屍骸, 這是我所見過氣候變化最令人震撼以及最直接的證據。” 看著在風雨中 永慶房屋蜷縮著的企鵝,記者突然想起《帝企鵝日記》 宣傳口號裏的一句話“在最艱苦的地方,愛也能找到一條出路”。不 知在南極冰冷刺骨的凍雨中,企鵝是否依舊能為自己、 為愛找到一條出路。 2008年6月13日 英國倫敦視訊 清海無上師:我已經說過,八成的全球暖化,幾乎可立刻停止, 且在數週內就能見到成效。若不飼養更多動物,甲烷就會減少。 若不吃肉,就不需要運輸肉,燃料需求就少很多。 這些人全部都能被訓練做其他工作。飢餓也會減少,因為農產品、 穀類都能提供人類食用,而非餵養動物。我們不會再有飢餓, 也不會因飢餓起戰爭,影響非常深遠。不斷倍增計算下去, 你就了解我說的。  請開始吃素,加入環保! http://www. suprememastertelevision.com 全球暖化造成更頻繁的豪雨 美國和英國科學家根據20年的衛星資料證實豪雨的增加與氣候暖化 有直接關聯, 他們的發現觀測到豪雨發生的 買屋機會比之前電腦模式所預測的更為頻繁 ,這份研究提供決定性的證據,證實暖化的氣候造成強烈暴風雨, 所帶來破壞性的水災會嚴重影響人類的生活。 感謝國際的科學家清楚證實氣候和全球暖化的關聯, 也更顯示我們需即刻行動以扭轉可能的災難。 觀看影片 : http://video. godsdirectcontact.net/ download/flv/SavePlanet696.wmv 2008年6月13日 英國倫敦視訊 清海無上師:我已經說過,八成的全球暖化,幾乎可立刻停止, 且在數週內就能見到成效。若不飼養更多動物,甲烷就會減少。 若不吃肉,就不需要運輸肉,燃料需求就少很多。 這些人全部都能被訓練做其他工作。飢餓也會減少,因為農產品、 穀類都能提供人類食用,而非餵養動物。我們不會再有飢餓, 也不會因飢餓起戰爭,影響非常深遠。不斷倍增計算下去, 你就了解我說的。 請開始吃素,加入環保!  http://www. suprememastertelevision.com & 結婚西裝nbsp;  .

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